Sunday, May 28, 2017

Understanding Speed Test Results In Network

To check the connection speed of a computer network requiresspeed test and interpreting the results. A speed test measures the performance of a network during a
running some kind of   
(usually short) period of time. The tests normally send and receive data over the network and calculate performance according to (a) the amount of data transferred and (b) how much time was required.
The most common measurement for network speed is data rate, counted as the number of computer bits that travel over the connection in one second. Modern computer networks support data rates of thousands, millions, or billions of bits per second. Speed tests also often include a separate measurement for network delay, sometimes called ping time.

What's considered "good" or "good enough" network speed depends on how the network is being used. For example, playing online computer games requires the network to support relatively low ping times and the data rate is often a secondary concern. Watching high-definition video, on the other hand, requires support for high data rates and network delays are less of an issue

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